
Yay! my first dessert recipe.

Thanks to my sis-in-law for this wonderful recipe. My son just can't keep from drooling over this delectable dessert.

All you need is a bowl of mixed fruits, bread, custard and nuts.

Apple - 1/2, finely chopped
Peach - 1/2, finely chopped
Nectarine - 1/2, finely chopped
Orange - 1, peeled and sliced
Grapes - 1/4 cup, halved
Almonds - 8, finely chopped
Raisins - about 12 to 15
Bread slices  - 5 to 6

These were my choice of fruits. You can pick any and add in some berries too.

Custard Preparation:

Pour 2 cups of milk in a saucepan and heat it on medium flame. Mix 3 tbsp. of custard powder and 2 tbsp. of milk in a bowl. Add this mixture to the boiling milk and stir continuously. Add 2 tbsp. of sugar as the milk starts to thicken. This might take about 5 to 7 mins. Remove the mixture from the heat. Bring it to room temperature and place it in fridge until the snowballs are ready.

I used mixed-fruit flavored custard powder. You could use vanilla, mango or strawberry.

Snowball preparation:

Mix all the chopped fruits and nuts. 

Take the bread slices and remove the crust (brown portion). Pour 1/2 cup of milk onto a plate. Dip the bread slice in the milk and take it out immediately to place it on your palm, slightly press it to remove the excess milk from it. 

Take a spoonful of the mixed fruits and nuts and place it on the bread slice. Wrap the bread to form a ball (like dumpling). Gently place it in a bowl. Prepare as many snowballs as you like. Then, pour the custard mixture over the fruit balls and place it in the fridge for about 4 to 5 hours.

Garnish with topping of your choice before serving.

Topping ideas :

  • Colorful candy or chocolate sprinkles.
  • A dollop of fresh cream and strawberry slices.


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